Lady Colin Campbell reveals why Prince Harry is going on a lads holiday to celebrate his 40th birthday because his marriage to Meghan Markle has become “extremely rocky and very volatile”. PLUS: What’s really going on between Oprah Winfrey and Meghan Markle after the US chat show host upstaged the Duchess during a major public appearance

Prince Harry’s choice to celebrate his 40th birthday on a lads’ trip, rather than with Meghan Markle and their children, has sparked significant discussion about the state of their marriage.

Lady Colin Campbell has weighed in on Harry’s email to People magazine, where he expressed contentment, while questioning the authenticity of his claims about family privacy and safety. This situation underscores ongoing speculation about their relationship dynamics.

The decision to spend his birthday away from his family has led to varying interpretations. Some see it as a reflection of underlying marital tensions, while others view it as a personal choice indicative of Harry’s need for independence.

Lady Colin Campbell suggests that Harry’s choice may reveal more about his marital struggles than his claims of happiness would suggest.

Harry has publicly emphasized the joy and purpose his family brings him and highlighted the importance of protecting their privacy from potential threats.

However, his public assertions about happiness and privacy have sparked debate about whether his desire for privacy contradicts his public declarations. Skeptics question why someone who is truly content would feel the need to emphasize their happiness so strongly.

The conversation also touches on broader concerns about the challenges of parenting in the public eye, especially when faced with threats.

Critics argue that the portrayal of these threats may be overstated, leading to frustration and skepticism about the public narratives pushed by Harry and Meghan.

Additionally, recent interactions between Meghan Markle and Oprah Winfrey have been marked by tension. Oprah’s seemingly rude entrance at a recent event overshadowed Meghan’s moment, highlighting potential issues in their relationship. The absence of posed pictures together further suggests unresolved conflicts.

Overall, the discussion reflects a mix of personal and public challenges faced by the Sussexes, emphasizing the complexities of maintaining privacy and navigating public scrutiny while dealing with personal issues.