The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s highly anticipated visit to Colombia descended into chaos after Vice President Francia Márquez delivered a scathing public rebuke of Meghan Markle, calling her a “Duchess with a bad reputation.” The unexpected verbal attack, delivered during a televised event, has left the royal couple’s South American tour in turmoil and sparked a diplomatic firestorm.

The initial encounter between the Duke and Duchess and the vice president, while seemingly cordial, was marked by a palpable tension. However, the icy reception quickly escalated into a public spectacle during a joint appearance at a summit focused on digital safety.

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While addressing the gathering, Márquez, known for her outspoken nature and commitment to social justice, launched into a blistering critique of Meghan, accusing her of hypocrisy and a lack of genuine commitment to the issues she champions.

“We welcome the Duke and Duchess to Colombia, but we are not naive,” Márquez declared, her voice sharp and unwavering. “The Duchess arrives with a reputation for self-promotion and a penchant for exploiting her royal status for personal gain. We are not impressed by her carefully curated image or her carefully crafted pronouncements.”

Márquez went on to point out inconsistencies between Meghan’s public pronouncements and her actions, citing her lavish lifestyle and her involvement in controversial projects that have drawn criticism for their lack of transparency. She also questioned the couple’s commitment to social justice, suggesting that their focus on these issues was more performative than substantive.

“We are a nation that values authenticity and integrity,” Márquez continued. “We are not easily swayed by empty gestures or manufactured narratives. We expect genuine commitment, not fleeting appearances and self-serving agendas.”

The vice president’s remarks sent shockwaves through the audience, leaving the Duke and Duchess visibly shaken. The event quickly devolved into a chaotic scene, with journalists scrambling to capture the unfolding drama and social media erupting with reactions.

The Duke and Duchess, who had initially planned to spend several days in Colombia, have reportedly cut their visit short, departing the country amidst a media frenzy. Their departure has left a trail of unanswered questions and a lingering sense of awkwardness, raising serious concerns about the future of their relationship with Colombia and its government.

The incident has also sparked a global debate about the role of celebrity and royalty in social activism, with some questioning the authenticity of their efforts and others defending their right to use their platform for good. The Colombian government has yet to issue an official statement regarding the incident, but it is clear that the Duke and Duchess’s visit has taken an unexpected and deeply damaging turn.