The plastic surgeries of the Trump family REVEALED – and their monstrous credit card bill for the ops startled everyone

The Trumps are famous for their real estate empire, political aspirations and for covering everything in gold.

But they are also well-known among some plastic surgeons for their aesthetic enhancements.

Plastic surgeon to the stars Dr Gary Motykie, who caveats that he hasn’t seen anyone in the Trump family as a patient, estimates the family has spent nearly $1million on dozens of procedures over the decades.

Charges for face lifts, hair transplants, nose jobs and veneers have likely all appeared on the Trump family credit card, he suggested — alongside the mainstays of Botox and fillers.

And that’s before the Trumps may need to pay up to $10,000 to reconstruct the family leader’s ear after he survived an assassination attempt last month.

Dr Motykie told that, in his experience, once one member of a family gets plastic surgery, others will then likely also follow.

‘They’ve seen their parents do it and they know the process,’ he said.

‘And they’ve seen you can stay natural and not overdo it [with cosmetic surgery], so they are more likely to visit us.’



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Dr Motykie estimated surgeries and procedures he believes the Trump family has had by looking at photos of them over many years. He based his price tags on what he estimates to be the industry standard.

However, Dr Motykie has never seen or performed procedures on anyone in the Trump family and his assessment is based on photos and his professional experience and opinion.

Donald J. Trump: ‘$160,000 on hair transplants’

Donald Trump appears to have had several hair transplants, said Dr Gary Linkov. In the picture on the left, when he is 18 years old, the former President has a balanced forehead. But by the second image his hairline is lower, which may suggest he has had some work done
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Donald Trump appears to have had several hair transplants, said Dr Gary Linkov. In the picture on the left, when he is 18 years old, the former President has a balanced forehead. But by the second image his hairline is lower, which may suggest he has had some work done

The Donald, 77, is famous for his head of very blonde hair. While he has sworn it is au naturale, some speculate it is the result of multiple hair transplants.

Dr Motykie said: ‘I think that throughout the years we can see evidence of different types of [hair] surgeries.’

Early on, you can see signs of hairline raising — where the hairline is moved forward to reduce the appearance of a receding hairline or a large forehead.

Dr Motykie added: ‘And then, I do think we have some older techniques too — like flap techniques, which he tries to cover with this strange parting and combing over.’

During a flap procedure, small areas of bald scalp are removed and patches of hair-covered skin are used to replace the bald areas.

While this may be a fix to bald spots on top of the head, it can leave bald patches at the side.  This often leads recipients to comb over the areas to hide them — much like Trump’s world-famous combover.

Dr Gary Linkov, a hair loss expert and plastic surgeon in New York City, has also speculated Trump had five hair transplants to restore his thinning hairline.

The above shows the back of Donald Trump's head where there is an unusual parting and apparent bald spot at the top of the head, suggesting the former President may suffer from hair loss

The above shows the back of Donald Trump’s head where there is an unusual parting and apparent bald spot at the top of the head, suggesting the former President may suffer from hair loss

Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump also claimed in her 1990 divorce deposition Trump had flown into a fit of rage due to pain and displeasure caused by a scalp reduction performed the year before.

A scalp reduction involves removing areas of bald patches and stretching hair-covered skin over them.

Ivana also said he had had liposuction to his chin and waist.

In May, a film preview was released based on the life of the former president, which suggested he had undergone hair transplants and liposuction.

‘The Apprentice’ was made without input from Trump and his campaign team told they would be filing a lawsuit over the ‘blatantly false assertions.’

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr Rukmini Rednam has previously told ‘It also seems likely that he may have had submental or chin liposuction and his neckline did appear more defined while his weight and the rest of his face appear largely unchanged.’

Dr Motykie estimated Trump may have spent about $80,000 on procedures to sort out his hair, and another $80,000 to receive veneers — white casings placed on the front of teeth to improve their appearance.

The Republican nominee has previously denied having any hair transplants or liposuction.

Melania Trump: $50,000 on ‘maintenance work’

Melania Trump pictured in an undated image
Melania Trump pictured in 2020

Melania Trump was likely doing touch-up work, alleged Dr Motykie. He complimented her appearance, adding she was already pretty and is only using surgery to maintain that

The former first lady at the Republican National Convention in July

The former first lady at the Republican National Convention in July

The former first lady, 54, doesn’t appear to have had major work done, said Dr Motykie — but she may be seeing someone to help maintain her looks.

The surgeon told this website: ‘I don’t see too much reason to be suspicious for a face lift… and I don’t think she’s had a brow lift either.

‘[But] I have noticed a change in her nose. Noses don’t typically get smaller as they get older, they get bigger — but hers is definitely smaller and more defined, so I am very suspicious for at least one rhinoplasty [nose job].

‘I do think she’s likely doing the maintenance work as well — fillers, particularly in the mid-face, cheeks, maybe a touch in the lips, and the standard Botox upkeep.’

At the Republican National Convention this month, many commented that Melania appeared to be more ‘wide-eyed’ than normal.

Dr Motykie agreed with the suggestion, saying it could be due to Botox wearing off or filler starting to dissolve — with most filler only lasting six to twelve months.

There have also previously been accusations that Melania had a breast augmentation, or a boob job, which her biographer Bojan Pozar speculated in his book.

Melania has denied she’s had plastic surgery, telling GQ in 2016 that she was ‘against Botox’ and ‘against filler.’

She said: ‘I didn’t make any changes. A lot of people say I am using all the procedures for my face. I didn’t do anything.

‘I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and my body. It’s all me. I will age gracefully, as my mom does.’

Dr Motykie estimated she had spent $45,000 to $50,000 on her appearance.

Ivanka Trump: $130,000 for a new face and teeth

Ivanka Trump has been dogged with cosmetic surgery rumors for years. She's pictured here in 2020
Ivanka Trump has been dogged with cosmetic surgery rumors for years. She's pictured here in 2023

Ivanka Trump has been dogged by cosmetic surgery rumors for years – and speculation was reignited when she testified at her father’s million fraud trial in November 2023. Ivanka is pictured left in 2020 and right in 2023

Cosmetic and plastic surgeons told that Ivanka's transformation was not a trick of makeup or clever lighting. She is pictured above in 2020
Photos of her outside the court room for her father's trial captured the former first daughter's changing face. She is pictured above in 2023

Photos of her outside the court room (right) of her father’s trial in 2023 captured the former first daughter’s changing face compared to a photo of her from 2020 (left)

Ivanka Trump has been hit with plastic surgery rumors for years, with speculation re-ignited in November 2023 after she appeared at her father’s $250million fraud trial sporting a very different appearance.

Dr Motykie said he was very suspicious the 42-year-old had had a nose job and possibly a chin implant.

He told ‘You can see sort of a transition [in her face], particularly in the nose and the chin area for me.

‘I think she’s had at least one rhinoplasty, if not two, and it looks like she did some sort of chin augmentation when she was younger — maybe a chin implant.

‘And then maybe some maintenance now with… fillers in the cheeks, mid-face, lips, and probably Botox just to stave off the wrinkling as you get into your 40s.’

Photos of Ivanka from 2023 show her chin jutting out, compared to 2020 photos when her chin appears much smaller. Her nose also appears to be smaller and more defined in recent photos.

The images also appear to show that her lips and mid-face are larger, possibly showing she may have received fillers.

Dr Motykie also suggested she may have followed in her father’s footsteps and gotten veneers to make her teeth sparkly white.

Ivanka has not previously commented publicly on allegations that she has had plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures.

Dr Motykie suggested the surgeries to her face cost around $50,000, but added her veneers could have been as much as $80,000.

Jared Kushner: $5,000 on fillers and Botox

Jared Kushner is pictured above in 2006
Jared Kushner is pictured above in 2022

There has also been speculation that Jared Kushner has received Botox because of his mostly static facial features

There have also been suggestions that Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, has received cosmetic treatments over the years to help maintain a youthful face.

Texas-based plastic surgeon Dr Raja Mohan told he thinks the 41-year-old may have had Botox in his forehead to minimize wrinkles.

He added: ‘He also looks older and more gaunt [in later photos], like he lost volume or weight — possibly from his thyroid surgeries and aging.

‘To compensate, it appears he may have had fillers (cheek and lips). His upper lip has more volume, and his cheeks look more prominent.’

Kushner has not previously commented on rumors that he has received cosmetic surgery.

Dr Mohan said Botox is typically $400 to $700 per treatment, while filler is $500 to $1,500 per procedure – and both need to be administered multiple times throughout the year to maintain their effects –  putting the annual tally close to $5,000.

Dr Motykie agreed, saying that fillers can cost as much as $1,300 per syringe, with cheeks normally requiring a full syringe while lips can range from half to a full syringe.

Based on this, he suggested Jared was paying $5,000 per year for maintenance.

Donald Trump Jr: Up to $80,000 on veneers

Donald Trump Jr. pictured above in 2002
Donald Trump Jr. pictured above in 2024

There is also speculation that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have both received veneers

Donald Trump Jr. has been pictured in recent years sporting sparkly and perfect teeth — like much of the family.

Dr Motykie suggested his pearly whites were actually veneers, custom-made shells placed in front of his teeth to improve their appearance.

The surgeon told this website: ‘I think all of them — Donald, Ivanka, Donald Jr — I think all of them look suspicious at some point for having their teeth done, maybe even Lara.

‘And there’s nothing wrong with that.

‘Nowadays, contemporary veneers are very safe [and] have great longevity… so, there’s nothing wrong with people wanting to do their teeth if they can afford it.’

He said a full mouth of veneers can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $80,000, but if someone only does a few teeth it would cost significantly less.

Donald Trump Jr. is now 46 years old, but doesn’t appear to have had other cosmetic work, according to Dr Motykie – and he hasn’t commented on his appearance publicly.

Lara Trump: $140,000 on a nose job and fillers

Lara Trump in 2008
Lara Trump in July 2024

There is also speculation that Lara Trump has received fillers in her cheeks and lips and a nose job, or rhinoplasty

Lara Trump also appears to have undergone a transformation, which experts attribute to cosmetic treatments.

Dr Motykie suggested the 41-year-old, married to Eric Trump, likely had a nose job, saying the top of her nose appears more raised and defined than in past photos.

He also pointed to her fuller cheeks and lips to suggest she may have received filler to reverse age-related loss of volume in the face.

But he stopped short of suggesting a face lift, however.

Overall, he estimated the total cost of her cosmetic procedures at about $60,000. With veneers, however, which Dr Motykie believes she has also had, the bill rises to $140,000.

Previously, cosmetic dermatologist Dr Mariano Busso, based in Beverly Hills, has estimated Lara has spent about $130,000 on cosmetic procedures alone.

Lara has never commented on rumors that she has had plastic surgery.

Tiffany Trump: $100,000 on a nose job and veneers

Tiffany Trump pictured in New York City in 2006
Tiffany Trump pictured at the RNC in 2020

Tiffany Trump also appears to have received cosmetic work on her appearance, with the price tag likely in excess of $80,000

Dr Motykie also suggested that Tiffany — Trump’s fourth child — may have had some work done.

He said, after viewing photos of the 30-year-old, that she may have had a nose job, lip filler, cheek filler and veneers.

‘I think she may have done a touch with her nose as well,’ he said.

‘And possibly the same thing with a little lip filler and facial shaping — just a touch I think in the cheeks to try to balance it out a little bit.

‘But I am suspicious that she may have done a rhinoplasty.’

Dr Motykie said these treatments could have cost as much as $100,000, but that the price tends to vary based on where a patient undergoes procedures.

Tiffany has not previously commented publicly on rumors that she has received plastic surgery.

Kimberly Guilfoyle: $85,000 on cosmetic tweaks

Kimberly Guilfoyle in 2004
Kimberly Guilfoyle 2024

Kimberly Guilfoyle faced speculation that she had received plastic surgery most recently after she appeared at the Republican National Convention

While not yet a direct member of the Trump family, Kimberly Guilfoyle is engaged to the former president’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

She recently sparked speculation over her looks when she took the stage at the Republican National Convention.

One viewer said on X, ‘Guilfoyle really needs to lay off the surgery for a while,’ and a second said, ‘she’s no doubt undergone the obligatory plastic surgery required to be part of the Trump clan.’

Dr Motykie said he believed the 55-year-old had likely ‘dabbled’ in some cosmetic procedures to enhance her looks.

He said she may have received filler in her cheeks because they appeared plumper in more recent photos.

And suggested she had received filler in her lips as well, as these also appeared to have filled out with time — while normal aging sees the lips shrink.

‘She lost a lot of weight,’ he said, ‘and when you lose the weight when you are older, you tend to look more gaunt.

‘But this isn’t the case with her, which makes me suspicious for filler — which has been used to make her cheeks much fuller.’

Dr Motykie said yearly filler can cost around $5,000, depending on how much a patient receives — while veneers can cost up to $80,000, should a person decide to get them in the whole of their mouth.

Ms Guilfoyle has not commented publicly on allegations that she has received fillers.

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