The United States Army has released a formal statement regarding a recent incident at Arlington National Cemetery involving a Trump campaign staffer. The altercation occurred when the staffer reportedly pushed a cemetery employee during an attempt to set up a photo opportunity for Donald Trump in Section 60, one of the most sacred areas of the cemetery. This action was in clear violation of the cemetery’s rules, which prohibit political activities on its grounds.

Arlington cemetery official was 'pushed aside' in Trump staff altercation but won't press charges – Sun Sentinel

The Army’s statement highlights that Arlington National Cemetery routinely hosts public wreath-laying ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, with nearly 3,000 such events conducted annually without issue. However, participants in these ceremonies are always informed of the strict regulations governing conduct on the grounds. Despite being made aware of these rules, a member of the Trump campaign disregarded them, leading to the altercation.

The Army emphasized that the employee involved acted with professionalism, trying to maintain the decorum expected at such a solemn site. The incident was reported to the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall police department, but the employee chose not to press charges. Consequently, the Army has decided to consider the matter closed. However, they noted it was unfortunate that the professionalism of the Arlington Cemetery staff member had been unfairly attacked by some in the Trump campaign.

This statement from the Army is particularly significant as such public comments on political incidents are exceedingly rare. The incident has drawn widespread attention, with many, including reporters and veterans, expressing their outrage at the Trump campaign’s actions. The Trump campaign’s response, which included questioning the mental health of the cemetery employee, has only intensified the controversy.

The incident has also sparked criticism from various quarters, including from Trump’s former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, who confirmed that Trump has previously made disparaging remarks about military members and fallen soldiers. Trump’s desire to use Arlington Cemetery as a backdrop for a political advertisement, particularly in a location dedicated to the memory of soldiers who died in Afghanistan, has been seen by many as a profound disrespect to the nation’s veterans and their families.

The response from the US Army underscores the importance of maintaining the sanctity and respect of Arlington National Cemetery, a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces. As this story continues to develop, it serves as a reminder of the deep respect owed to those who have served and sacrificed for the country.