Golden State Warriors NBA superstar Stephen Curry has made some comments that are unlikely to please his wife, Ayesha.
Rawel Visual / @ayeshacurry

Married since 2011, Stephen and Ayesha Curry still seem to be in perfect love.

And yet, their relationship didn’t really get off to the best start, as the Chef’s wife revealed when looking back on the beginnings of their story.

As loyal as possible to the Warriors since the beginning of his NBA career , he is also loyal in his love life.

The love story between Stephen Curry and his wife, Ayesha, goes back even further than the one he has with his franchise.

The two met as teenagers and have practically been inseparable since, even if everything has not always been worthy of a fairy tale.

Behind the Scenes of Steph and Ayesha Curry’s First Aborted Kiss

Ayesha and Steph Curry, who were members of the same church youth group in Charlotte, later met when Curry was a student at Davidson University.

It wasn’t until then that they began seeing each other more regularly—under somewhat murky circumstances.

The star point guard had a hard time recalling for BuzzFeed the first signs of their mutual love:

Stephen Curry: That’s a really complicated question because there are different accounts of how our relationship started. For example, our first date wasn’t necessarily our first date in Ayesha’s eyes. But I would say the first time I realized she had her eye on me was outside the Ryburn dorm at Davidson College.

An answer that did not suit his wife, according to whom the premises of their story turn out to be even older. His own anecdote turned out to be quite different:

Ayesha Curry: The first time I realized you had feelings for me was when I accidentally dodged your kiss in the studio. You leaned toward me in the middle of a conversation!

Unable to deny this story, Steph then claimed to have been initially rejected by the mother of his children. To which the latter responded by explaining her gesture:

Ayesha Curry: I didn’t reject you! When you tried to kiss me, I gave you the cold shoulder because I didn’t expect that and I thought I wasn’t cool enough for you, so I didn’t believe it!

Fortunately for the two lovebirds, this first unsuccessful approach from the Chef did not prevent him from ending up in the arms of his sweetheart. Arms in which he can still snuggle, more than 15 years later.

Despite his popularity in Davidson, Stephen Curry saw Ayesha ruin his attempt at a first kiss. A purely accidental act according to the latter, supposedly surprised by the situation before ending up giving in to her man’s charms.