La star NBA des Golden State Warriors, Draymond Green

While some of his Warriors teammates are enjoying their vacation by resting, Draymond Green went to a training camp with basketball prospects.

Visibly angry, he wanted to lecture them.

While Draymond Green made headlines last season for his many misconducts, he remains a player considered a key element of the Warriors’ roster.

Because the Californians’ year was much more complicated than expected, it is important for each member of the team to take advantage of the break to rest, work, and come back in top shape when play resumes.

But while some have undoubtedly decided to spend their vacation in exotic locations to take their minds off things, the former DPOY cannot detach himself from his love for the orange ball.

So he recently went to a training camp to play with some young and talented prospects.

And since the interior never minces its words, it did not hesitate to tell them its home truths.

Draymond Green’s Lesson to the Younger Generation

You keep crying after every foul! Why?! What have you accomplished in your career? I’m trying to figure out if any of you have, but as far as I know, you haven’t done anything yet.

That’s what I think, even though there are a lot of good players in high school.

Besides, everyone is good in high school.

At your age, I wasn’t one of the highest rated players, but the ones ahead of me are where now?!

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So all this means nothing. That you’re good right now doesn’t mean anything. It just means you’re more likely to stop practicing now. That’s all it means, so stop crying over fouls.

Play! Play smart! You took 6 bad 3-pointers last time. Why? To be honest, at my age, I can’t follow you to the rim. So read the game!

Draymond Green then addressed one of the young players at the camp individually.

Why are you all trying to draw fouls on 3-pointers? There was a pick & pop situation with an open 3-pointer, and you decided to dribble to take it from mid-range, but that wasn’t the right thing to do.

Because you took three bad shots from long range before, now you don’t want to take the good ones anymore.

This dry but honest speech from the four-time NBA champion even gave the internet a few ideas.

Draymond Will Be a Great Coach When He Retires

Draymond Green is known for his impressive track record but also for his outspokenness.

Sometimes, this attitude gets in his way, but this time, he decided to put it to good use by giving some advice to the next generation.