La légende NBA des Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan

Becoming the next Michael Jordan? Many have tried without ever managing to match His Majesty.

But according to Gilbert Arenas, a former player had all the capabilities… The problem is that the athlete in question was far too lazy.

Kobe Bryant, Jerry Stackhouse, Vince Carter… What do all these players have in common? At one point in their careers, they were considered the heirs of Michael Jordan in the NBA.

The first finally wrote his own legend after modeling his game on that of the former Bulls guard, but the second, for his part, never managed to meet the excessive expectations despite his strong scoring potential.

And what about Vinsanity? Drafted by the Raptors in 1998, the springy wingman then spent a good part of his long career with the Nets before going from franchise to franchise.

In the end, no championship ring or even an individual award… In the eyes of some of his peers, like Gilbert Arenas who discussed the subject in an interview with Vlad TV, his career therefore looks like a waste.

Gilbert Arenas ultra-cash on Vince Carter
Since he already hates me because I already said it, it’s Vince Carter.

I wouldn’t say he wasn’t a hard worker because I’ve never been in a locker room to see how he worked.

For someone who is interested in size and attributes, hands, arms, legs, jumping ability, speed, liveliness, the way of moving…

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He should have been Jordan, the next Michael Jordan. He had everything, he was the unique Bugatti.

You look at him and you think “Oh my God, is that what’s going to happen?”  His jumping ability, his hands, his arms, his hang time, his charisma, his style. You never saw anything like it, but he was just a nice guy.

I called him lazy because that was my way of saying he was too nice. He cared about that.

Often criticized for his behavior early in his career, Carter may never have been able to exploit the immense talent that resided within him with his physique of the perfect basketball player.

Fortunately, he still entered the history of the league thanks to his athleticism and especially his dunking skills, he who is considered the greatest high-flyer that the orange ball has ever known.

Vince Carter could have become the next icon of the NBA, but he never managed to reach the same mental strength as a Michael Jordan for example.

His career remains crazy, but it is also strewn with regrets in the eyes of his peers.