Black Pastor INCINERATES Kamala Harris For IGNORING The Black Community and God!

A Black pastor has strongly criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of neglecting both the Black community and Christian values. In a fiery sermon, the pastor expressed his disapproval of LGBTQ rights and urged Christians to prioritize their faith over political affiliations. He encouraged support for ministries that uphold biblical truths and warned against compromising values in the name of political correctness.

The pastor’s message was clear: he believes that all Christian pastors in America should unite in opposition to transgender policies, particularly those that impact children. He urged congregants to leave churches that do not align with these views and criticized political parties that support transgender rights. This stance highlights the ongoing societal debate over gender identity and the role of faith in these discussions.

He also spoke about the pressures within the African-American church, particularly the influence of LGBTQ and racial ideologies. The pastor argued that the church should not be divided by race, as God’s church encompasses all people. He expressed concern over the growing acceptance of LGBTQ ideologies within the Black community and reflected on how political figures, such as Barack Obama, have influenced church perspectives.

The pastor warned that supporting political parties or policies that deviate from religious values leads to moral conflicts and societal issues. He raised concerns about the acceptance of transgender individuals in spaces traditionally designated for women, emphasizing the need to maintain parental rights in education, especially against what he sees as the sexualization of children in schools.

He emphasized that believers must integrate their biblical worldview into their political beliefs, as accountability before God is essential. The pastor urged individuals to support ministries that uphold biblical truths, arguing that these ministries play a vital role in guiding the faithful. He encouraged financial contributions to these ministries, stressing that supporting genuine teachings is crucial in combating the influence of misleading churches.

In conclusion, the pastor’s sermon was a passionate call to action for Christians to remain steadfast in their beliefs, support ministries that preach truth, and resist societal pressures that conflict with their faith. His message underscores the ongoing tension between religious values and contemporary political issues, particularly within the African-American community.