La légende NBA Michael Jordan (gauche) et son frère, Larry (droite)

Although he preferred to stay in the shadows despite the exposure his little brother could provide him, Larry Jordan has nevertheless given a few interviews in the past.

In one of them, he reveals the great service that Michael indirectly did for him.

In the Jordan family, give me the brother. Much less known than his youngest Michael, Larry Jordan nevertheless also displayed great qualities as a basketball player.

So much so that the legendary Bulls guard considered him an inspiration, and even more.

Despite his relatively small size, he managed to easily take the upper hand during their one-on-ones:

Larry Jordan cash sur les avantages procurés par Michael

A role model for his little brother, Larry Jordan even influenced him in the choice of his legendary number 23. But if Michael owes him a lot, the reverse is also true.

After all, the earnings of the six-time champion through his NBA career benefited all of his close friends, who were therefore logically grateful to him.

Starting with Larry, who told the Chicago Tribune:

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Larry Jordan: People treat us differently because of Michael. A lot of great things have happened to my family and me.

So while the youngest of the siblings has had to learn to live in Mike’s shadow, Mike has bailed him out on several occasions. A funny story sums up this positive influence perfectly:

Larry Jordan: I’m more known as Michael Jordan’s brother than as Larry Jordan.

But there are also perks. I recently got a speeding ticket in North Carolina.

I drive a red 1985 Corvette. Luckily, the judge was a big fan of North Carolina and Michael, but without him, I would have lost my license.

A true icon of the UNC Tarheels, MJ left an indelible mark on the state where he grew up.

Including in the memory of the prosecutor in charge of sentencing Larry, guilty of speeding on the road.

Convinced that he was going to see his driver’s license revoked, the latter was therefore able to rejoice in the popularity of His Airness. As such, being the “brother of” can also have its good sides.

While living in the shadow of your little brother can seem degrading for the ego, it can also lead to pleasant surprises.

Larry Jordan knows this well, having escaped a license revocation thanks to MJ’s popularity in North Carolina.